Nfu Tenancy Agreement

NFU Tenancy Agreement: Everything You Need to Know

If you are a farmer or a landowner looking to lease a farm or agricultural land in England or Wales, then you might have come across the term “NFU tenancy agreement.” But what is it, and how does it differ from other types of tenancy agreements?

In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide to NFU tenancy agreements, including their legal requirements, benefits, and drawbacks.

What is an NFU Tenancy Agreement?

NFU stands for National Farmers` Union, a professional organization that represents farmers and growers in England and Wales. The NFU has developed a range of tenancy agreements that are specifically tailored for agriculture and horticulture.

An NFU tenancy agreement is a legally binding contract between a landlord (usually a landowner or a farming business) and a tenant (usually a farmer or a farming business). The contract governs the terms and conditions of the lease, including rent, length of the tenancy, maintenance and repairs, and the use of the land.

An NFU tenancy agreement can be either an Agricultural Holdings Act (AHA) tenancy or a Farm Business Tenancy (FBT). The AHA tenancy is a type of protected tenancy that provides the tenant with statutory rights, such as succession and compensation for improvements made to the land. The FBT is a more flexible type of tenancy that allows the landlord to set the terms and conditions of the lease.

Legal Requirements of an NFU Tenancy Agreement

An NFU tenancy agreement must comply with the legal requirements set out in the Agricultural Tenancies Act 1995, which regulates the relationship between landlords and tenants of agricultural land in England and Wales.

The Act requires that an NFU tenancy agreement must be in writing and signed by both parties. It must also include the following information:

– The name and address of the landlord and tenant

– The length of the tenancy

– The rent and payment terms

– The permitted use of the land

– The maintenance and repair obligations of both parties

– The procedure for ending the tenancy

– Any other terms and conditions agreed between the parties

Benefits of an NFU Tenancy Agreement

One of the main benefits of an NFU tenancy agreement is that it is specifically designed for the farming and horticulture industry. The agreement takes into account the unique needs and requirements of agricultural tenancies, such as the need for long-term tenancies, compensation for improvements to the land, and the maintenance of the land.

An NFU tenancy agreement also provides certainty and stability for both the landlord and tenant. The terms and conditions of the lease are clearly outlined in the agreement, which reduces the likelihood of disputes and misunderstandings.

Furthermore, an AHA tenancy provides the tenant with security of tenure, which means that they cannot be evicted without a legal reason. The tenant also has the right to succession, which allows them to pass on the tenancy to their spouse or family members after their death.

Drawbacks of an NFU Tenancy Agreement

One of the main drawbacks of an NFU tenancy agreement is that it can be more expensive than other types of tenancy agreements. The fees for legal advice and drafting the agreement can be substantial, which may deter some landlords and tenants from entering into an NFU tenancy.

Another potential drawback is that an AHA tenancy can be difficult to terminate, even if the landlord has a legitimate reason for doing so. This can make it difficult for landlords to regain control of their land if they wish to develop it or use it for other purposes.


An NFU tenancy agreement is a legally binding contract between a landlord and tenant for agricultural land in England and Wales. It provides a range of benefits, such as stability, security of tenure, and tailored terms and conditions. However, it can also be more expensive than other types of tenancy agreements, and an AHA tenancy can be difficult to terminate. If you are considering an NFU tenancy agreement, it is important to seek legal advice and thoroughly understand your rights and obligations under the agreement before signing it.

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